The Lanckoronski Foundation as a benefactor of the Ossolineum

In the year of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Ossolineum the Lanckoronski Foundation once again has assumed the role of the Institute’s benefactor, by granting  the funds required to publish the papers delivered at the conference “Early Printed Books and their Owners”. In 2002 Piotr Piniński, president of the Foundation, gave the Ossolineum a collection of valuable illuminated manuscripts dating from the XV – XIX century, inherited from his ancestor Professor Count Leon Piniński, and in 2016 the Foundation donated a set of miniatures left in 1940 as a wartime deposit in the Ossolineum’s Museum of the Princes Lubomirski by two of Count Karol Lanckoroński’s children, Karolina and Antoni.

In 2017 the publishing arm of the Ossolineum will issue a volume comprising studies entitled “Early Printed Books and their Owners”, being edited by Agnieszka Franczyk-Cegły and Dorota Sidorowicz-Mulak. This book will also contain papers given by participants at the conference organized by the Ossolineum in association with the Consortium of European Research Libraries. The articles relate to research work on the provenances of early printed books and incunabula. The publication will be financed by the Lanckoronski Foundation which is dedicated to the promotion and support of academic research work and publications in the field of the humanities.

