The official opening of the exhibition “Karolina Lanckorońska and her path to Ravensbrück” on April 8th by the Department of Martyrdom at the National Museum in Lublin. The event took place in the exhibition rooms of the Lublin Castle at 9, Zamkowa Street.

The exhibition poster

Barbara Oratowska, curator of the exhibition and director of the Department of Martyrdom, at the exhibition’s opening talking to Danuta Olesiuk , Deputy Director of Primary Work at the National Museum in Majdanek.

Piotr Pininski, President of the Lanckoronski Foundation speaking at the opening ceremony on April 8th 2014. In the background hangs the portrait of Countesses Adelajda and Karolina Lanckorońska by Jacek Malczewski, painted at Rozdół in 1905. (see the History section)